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January 2023 Updates

We are excited about everything to come in 2023, but first we celebrated some wins from December:
*We had Stephanie Granlund crack that 4 hour barrier and Megan Jensen with a BQ at the Rehoboth Beach Marathon.
*Briana Horgan put the strength of her trail miles from this summer to good use and successfully ran CIM and Honolulu Marathon on back to back weekends!
*Taryn Spates, Jeannie Johnson, Laurel Catlett-King, and Lisa Kopp also ran strong marathons to close out the season!
*Bella Stockland smashed her FIRST 70.3 distance race with a 5:20 — 17 years old now, we can’t wait to see what Bella will do in triathlon!
*Tim Shane ran a 3.5+ hour PR at the 50 Mile distance at the Brazos Bend 50!

We also celebrated our beloved Mary Knott’s birthday on the 14th in various ways, from an ocean dip at her favorite beach, to ski erg workouts, band only swim workouts and even a polar plunge in Lake Champlain. 

All January updates can be found here.

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